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Vendor City, Malacca, Malaysia
-MUHAMMAD SYAFIQ BIN MAT HUSSAIN (55202209178) -MOHD ALIFF BIN RAZALI (55202209398) -MOHD HAFIZ BIN RUSLAN (55202209286) 2 BCB-EX -we absolutely hot!!!

Lock N' Load

Right off the bat, substitute Coffee, Tea or Cocoa with Decaffeinated Coffee or Herbal Teas. Try to wean yourself off them altogether. And definitely avoid the 3 Foods to Avoid at all cost:

1. Anything that’s WHITE: “If it’s white, it’s not right!”

Salt, Sugar , Flour , Rice , Milk & all Milk Products.

2. Anything that FIZZES: “If it fizzes, you’ll fizzle!”

Soda pop, Champagne , Beer , Sparkling Drinking Waters

3. Anything that’s FATTY/GREASY: “Fat’s not where it’s at!”

Cooked Animal Fats/Oils, Butters and Margarines , Cooked Non-Animal Fats/Oils , Hydrogenated Oils

Flesh Foods are OK (Beef, Fowl, Fish ONLY) 3 times a week and in the right combinations. 3-4 Eggs a week are the limit. Cooked FRESH Vegetables once a day. One – Two Vegetable Salads a day is a must. Raw Fresh Fruit that’s in season at least once a day, preferably at the beginning of the day. NEVER CONSUME DAIRY IN ANY FORM!


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