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Vendor City, Malacca, Malaysia
-MUHAMMAD SYAFIQ BIN MAT HUSSAIN (55202209178) -MOHD ALIFF BIN RAZALI (55202209398) -MOHD HAFIZ BIN RUSLAN (55202209286) 2 BCB-EX -we absolutely hot!!!

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This blog was intentionally became like a 'voice' same as Youth Riot group which was to spread word about how important life was. This life was not about money at all. Life was the most important compared to money and other materials.

Live your life to the fullest!!!!

As we know, health is important!!!..be grateful that you are healthy.. God has given to us a great body and mind but only several know how to appreciate it. Three of us decided to wrote a different view about health in this blog, which in the end this topic became more general and more interesting. Nutrient, ways of exercises, and equipment of exercise were our main point of interest in this blog. Hopefully those who read this blog could understand our main purpose and able to bare in mind that not only our page is beautiful, the content also beautiful and can touch your heart!


Everyone has a problem. That problem can cause stress and every individual does not receive the same stress. Stress level is determined by the attitudes and environment also influence around the individual. This stress can cause many problems and can even cause other diseases and physical lives. Here are some tips overcome stress, may be used:-

1. Be realistic and positive
What is problem really scary or just imaginary? What are the consequences we do to solve the problem? Have any positive reaction that we can do? Think positive and take the best way to solve it.

2. Enjoy the benefits of relaxation techniques
Relaxation techniques can be done anywhere, in class, cars, houses, etc. Steps are as follows;

1. Firstly, sit quiet in a comfortable position
2. After that, close your eye
3. Then, relax all body muscles
4. Finally, relaxing your mind and take a deep breath from nose and release through your mouth

3. Regular Diet

Healthy and nutritious foods can also strengthen the body in the face of stress. Take more vitamins B and C, it can strengthen the body to face stress.

Do It Slow..

Obese is nowadays are normal among Malaysian. Plus at the same time people start to realize the important of health and try to prevent sudden death cause by obese. Sudden change to your body might be very dangerous and things like fad diets, diet pills and fat burners may induce rapid loss but it can cause you to lose muscle plus injure your heart and your body!

Few tips might be very useful for those whom want to do dietary and in a safe way:
1) Determine your daily caloric intake.
2) Write down all the things you eat on a typical day.
3) Seek out alternatives to the unhealthy foods you've identified.
4) Plan your meals.
6) Rest properly and EXERCISE!!!

Watch out! Your own house might be a killer....!

Unclean surroundings especially in our house could cause a lot of troubles. It might increase the immune diversity (ability to against the infection) and also increase illness and turn down the immune system with long term exposure. Those with a normal immune system will benefit from exposure to unclean surroundings.

Unclean surroundings can also statistically increase the incidence of auto immune diseases due to higher and more diverse than average anti-body differentiation.

On the other side, living in a hyper clean environment can hurt your ability to fight off future infections due to the lack of immune competency in the face of new challenges.

You are the gym class heroes!! Part-2


Cardio home gym equipmentAtleast there is one cardio machine in your gym, but if you have extra budget, allows to get two.This piece of training equipment will generally require a power plug between 20 and 30 square feet of space.

Secondary cardio home gym equipment A bike is an ideal as a secondary cardio piece for lower body toning and fat burn. Cardio bikes are compact and take the least amount of square footage. For smaller gyms, get a skip rope or step or for men, get a punching bag. It takes little room and is a lot of fun.

Minimum free zone - This zone is for stretching, working on the bench doing pilates. This is the most important zone of the gym. It generally represents 25% to 50% of the ground space in the home gym.

Free weights and dumbbells - All the rest is optional, free weights are not! This is the most important piece of equipment for toning, weight training and muscle gain. Get a set and the rack for effective storage and safety.

Smoking Cigarettes = Danger

Smoking means that you take a poison because whole of cigarettes contain a poison. One of them is nicotine. Nicotine is the addictive drug within tobacco, is as addictive as the larger drugs, such as heroin and cocaine. Nicotine gives the smoker feeling good and smoker want more and more. Use your brain and hate the cigarettes because cigarettes can kill you.STOP SMOKING and SAVE YOUR LIFE!!!

Content of a Cigarette

Smoking is like poisoning yourself and your loved ones. Don't drink bleach! Don't sniff insecticide! Don't smoke!!!


Lung Cancer

Oral Cancer

You know you want to so do it! Quit smoking for good!

Correct Sitting Posture for Your Health

Posture is the position in which you hold your body upright against gravity while standing, sitting or lying down. Good posture involves training your body to stand, walk, sit and lie in positions where the least strain is placed on supporting muscles and ligaments during movement or weight-bearing activities. This the correct posture for sitting on the chair.

  • Sit at the end of your chair and slouch completely.
  • Sit up with your back straight and your shoulders back. Your buttocks should touch the back of your chair.
  • Bend your knees at a right angle. Keep your knees even with or slightly higher than your hips. Your legs should not be crossed.
  • Keep your feet flat on the floor.
  • When standing up from the sitting position, move to the front of the seat of your chair. Stand up by straight your legs. Avoid bending forward at your waist. Immediately stretch your back by doing 10 standing backbends.

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