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Kidney disease...how to prevent it???

The kidneys are paired organs and it is part of urinary system. What happen if your kidney has a problem and not functioning as well. Everyone want to have good health and free from disease. Below the ways to prevent this disease:

1) For earliest stages to detect kidney disease, do simple urine test to check-up micro albumin. Should be done at least once every year. If any abnormal result, discuss with your doctor how often you should be monitored for avoid kidney disease.

2) Control your blood pressure using right diet, relaxation techniques, and blood pressure medication.

3) Decrease animal protein in the diet.

4) Do a normal exercise at least 20 minutes a day, 5 times a week will help keep your body functioning normally.

5) Drink lots of water. Your kidneys have to process every liquid that
goes into your body. Water is very easy on your kidneys and can also help them clean impurities out of your system.

Prevention is Better Than Cure


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