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Vendor City, Malacca, Malaysia
-MUHAMMAD SYAFIQ BIN MAT HUSSAIN (55202209178) -MOHD ALIFF BIN RAZALI (55202209398) -MOHD HAFIZ BIN RUSLAN (55202209286) 2 BCB-EX -we absolutely hot!!!

Stay healthy and enjoy your life to the fullest!!!

It’s not about a perfect body-it’s about a healthy body!

Three key parts of well-being are nutrition, exercise, and stress management. All three areas are vital and should balance each other in order for you to achieve total fitness. Plus, being healthy is one part in your life so that you could enjoy your life to the fullest!

If you have everything in this world it does not mean that you are still healthy.

Dieting is not nutrition! Dieting is a temporary (often unhealthy) solution to weight management. The real solution to a healthy body is a daily lifestyle of nutrition. Want to look good? Want to live long? EAT WELL!

The recent statement by the Health Minister Datuk Liow Tiong Lai that overweight and obesity among Malaysians needs urgent attention. Moreover, even former minister of Malaysia Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamed also claimed that more than tripled with four out of every 10 Malaysians above 18 years of age are now being either overweight or obese.


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