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Everyone has a problem. That problem can cause stress and every individual does not receive the same stress. Stress level is determined by the attitudes and environment also influence around the individual. This stress can cause many problems and can even cause other diseases and physical lives. Here are some tips overcome stress, may be used:-

1. Be realistic and positive
What is problem really scary or just imaginary? What are the consequences we do to solve the problem? Have any positive reaction that we can do? Think positive and take the best way to solve it.

2. Enjoy the benefits of relaxation techniques
Relaxation techniques can be done anywhere, in class, cars, houses, etc. Steps are as follows;

1. Firstly, sit quiet in a comfortable position
2. After that, close your eye
3. Then, relax all body muscles
4. Finally, relaxing your mind and take a deep breath from nose and release through your mouth

3. Regular Diet

Healthy and nutritious foods can also strengthen the body in the face of stress. Take more vitamins B and C, it can strengthen the body to face stress.


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