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- TimeBandiT
- Vendor City, Malacca, Malaysia
- -MUHAMMAD SYAFIQ BIN MAT HUSSAIN (55202209178) -MOHD ALIFF BIN RAZALI (55202209398) -MOHD HAFIZ BIN RUSLAN (55202209286) 2 BCB-EX -we absolutely hot!!!
Do It Slow..
Posted by
Friday, March 19, 2010
Obese is nowadays are normal among Malaysian. Plus at the same time people start to realize the important of health and try to prevent sudden death cause by obese. Sudden change to your body might be very dangerous and things like fad diets, diet pills and fat burners may induce rapid loss but it can cause you to lose muscle plus injure your heart and your body!
Few tips might be very useful for those whom want to do dietary and in a safe way:
1) Determine your daily caloric intake.
2) Write down all the things you eat on a typical day.
3) Seek out alternatives to the unhealthy foods you've identified.
4) Plan your meals.
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